Saturday, February 16, 2013

More on Days 1-3

I am currently in the city of Otavalo in Ecuador, staying at the Hotel Indio Inn and they have wi-fi! I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to share a bit more of journey with you and specifically the most important part of the journey which was the visit to the amazon community of Pakay Chicta.

We arrived in this community on Friday. We brought with us four suitcases filled with supplies for the school children and their teachers. However, the more rewarding part was he service we were able to preform for them and the relationships we were able to build in that short time. One of my contributions was building two bookcases, one of which is pictured with some supplies that I placed on the shelves.

Please allow me to share a few pictures now with greater explanations to follow once I have a better wireless connection.

Thank you to Lynne and Katelyn for helping to build the bookcases. We could not have done it if it were not for Segundo!

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